Neighbourhood Plan

Following the publication of the Community Led Plan (see below), Uffington Parish Council and Baulking Meeting took forward the action to create a Neighbourhood Plan.


A steering group comprising of volunteer members of Uffington and Baulking parishes and operating as a sub-committee of Uffington Parish Council, spent almost 4 years completing the Plan which was approved by referendum in July 2019 following a comprehensive review by an external examiner.


The final 6 week public consultation period for the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) and VWHDC Decision Statement ended on 11 November. This was the final action of the NP creation and approval process. Since approval by the referendum on 17 July 2019 the NP, along with the Local Plan Parts 1 and 2, has formed part of the overall Development Plan used to help determine planning applications in the Plan Area (Uffington and Baulking parishes).


With the end of the NP process the dedicated website has been closed and the complete final document set is available from the Neighbourhood Plan link on the left. Paper copies of the Plan and its suppor​ting documents are also available in Tom Brown’s School Museum.

Community Led Plan

The Uffington, Baulking and Woolstone Commmunity Led Plan (CLP) was published in December 2015 after almost 2 years of hard work by a group of volunteers operating as a sub-committee of the Uffington Parish Council.  The Plan was distributed to all households in the three villages and an electronic copy is available from the link on the left.


The Plan included a prioritised 3 year Action Plan (Appendix 1B) based on the responses from the community.  Some actions were passed to organisations within the community for action and the remainder to Uffington Parish Council and Baulking/Woolstone Parish Meetings to take forward.


One of the key actions (5.2) was to complete a Neighbourhood Plan (see above) over the following 2 years.

Site Updated:

13th February 2025

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