The Jubilee Field is managed by the Parish Council for the benefit of residents and villagers alike. As trustees of the Jubilee Field we have responsibility for maintenance of play equipment and general maintenance of the field, trees, pond and other facilities.
The Conveyance, dated 30 July 1971, by which Robert Geddes Spence transferred the Jubilee Field (‘JF’) to the Parish Council, and the Parish Council subsequently let part of the JF to the village hall trustees for a term of 99 years from 23 September 1974, and later another part to the owners of the Uffington Post Office and Stores.
The Parish Council is ‘Custodian Trustee’. A custodian trustee is a corporation appointed to have the custody, as distinct from the management, of trust property, so it is the Parish Council as a corporate whole, rather than named individuals, which has the responsibility. Under the Trust Deed, the Parish Council holds the JF on trust for a recreation ground for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Uffington; the Deed requires the Parish Council to administer and manage the JF through a Committee of Management – which is to consist of the members of the Parish Council, but with them wearing a different hat from the Custodian Trustee role. The term of the Agreement (attached below) is for one year (from 12 November 2018) and thereafter until determined in a number of ways which are set down in the agreement. The Committee of Management is required to hold at least two ordinary meetings in each year as well as an AGM and to cover this the JF is an agenda item for every monthly meeting of the Parish Council.
There is no bank account for the Jubilee Field Trust and it does not hold any money in any other account although specific funds are budgeted for the JF in the overall Parish Council account and raised via the precept. Additional funding for JF projects may be raised via grants or donations or through the use of S106/CIL funds if available.
The AGM for the Jubilee Field Trust, is a requirement of the governing Trust Deed, dated 30 November 1982 and takes place annually in May. At least 2 other meetings are also required and the requirement for these is covered by regular reporting during the montly Parish Council meetings.
The Chair produces an annual report for the AGM. Copies of recent AGM reports are attached below.
We operate an very informal and flexible booking policy. We simply ask that you request use by email to the Clerk or Fenella Oberman in order to deconflict dates and ensure we can inform you of any restrictions or conditions. Please note that if you also use the Village Hall, this needs to be booked separately using the book in the shop. Enquiries to Geoff Rumble.