Vale of the White Horse District Council


The Vale of the White Horse District Council (VOWHDC) is the Planning Athority. Whilst the Parish Council comments on applications from within the Parish, the VOWHDC is the AUTHORITY and, as such, makes the planning decisions.


Pre-applications are not mandatory and are chargeable. Such applications can provide potential applicants with an advanced view of what factors the VOWHDC are likely to be concerned with before the full application is submitted. 


The material and non-material considerations are shown in teh table below and in teh downloadable document at the bottom of the page.

Pre-Application Discussions

Individual applicants may request a preliminary discussion with planning officers; this has the potential to sort out problems and errors before an application is formally submitted.  All planning applications within the parish of Uffington are referred to the Parish Council for comment, and are usually discussed at the next monthly meeting; it would therefore be helpful to us if we could be included in pre-application discussions. 

MATERIAL PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Normally taken into account in the determination of applications

  • The Statutory Development Plan

-Vale of White Horse Local Plan2031Part1(LLP1)

-Minerals and Waste Local Plan(2017) (Oxfordshire CountyCouncil)

  • Planning/Development Briefs produced by Vale of White Horse District Council
  • National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
  • Planning Policy Guidance (PPG)
  • The Adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan
  • Planning history of a site (including land uses)
  • Amenity considerations



-Characterof area

-Scale and bulk resulting in loss of light




  • Traffic generation, parking and highway safety
  • Design

·         Crime and community safety

  • Sometimes the need can be relevant (e.g. agricultural workers dwelling)
  • Viability

Ministerial Planning Statements

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NON-MATERIAL PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Not normally considered in the determination of applications

  • Loss of property value
  • Land ownership and boundary disputes
  • Competition
  • A loss of a private view
  • Legal rights/consents deeds, covenants, private rights of way, licences (e.g. entertainment)
  • Provision of services
  • Matters controlled under other legislation

Personal hardhip/circumstances

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VOWHDC Material and Non-Material Considerations
March 2021 version
Adobe Acrobat document [81.9 KB]

Types of Application

Application Type Government Definition
  • 10 or more dwellings or the site area for residential development is 0.5 hectares or more
  • 1000 sqm or more, or the site is 1 hectare or more
  • Fewer than 10 dwellings or the site area for residential development is less than 0.5 hectares 
  • Less than 1000 sqm, or the site is less than 1 hectare

Changes of use, householder development (development within the residential curtilage of a residential property), adverts, listed building 

consents, lawful development certificates, agricultural notifications, telecommunications, etc.

Site Updated:

26th July 2024

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