Uffington Parish Council


Councillor Contact details
Cllr Mr Simon Jenkins (Chair) 


01367 820776

Cllr Mr Mike Oldnall(Vice Chair)


01367 820369

Cllr Richard Charles richard.charles@uffington.net
Cllr Ms Kat Foxhall kat.foxhall@uffington.net
Cllr Mr Dave Garwood dave.garwood@uffington.net
Cllr Mrs Fenella Oberman  fenella.oberman@uffington.net
Cllr Nigel Puddicombe nigel.puddicombe@uffington.net


Mr David Hatton



The Courier

The quarterly parish council bulletin (The Courier) is delivered to alll households in Uffington, Baulking and Woolstone and also available in printed form direct or from the village shop - click here for the archive of recent issues.

Site Updated:

26th July 2024

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