The final 'Made' version of the Plan and supporting reference documents are listed and downloadable from the links below. Minor changes to correct typographical and presentational issues were made to the Referendum Version to create this final 'Made Version'. Paper copies of all the Plan documents below, including the appendices to Ref Doc F (Consultation Statement), can be viewed in hard copy in the museum. (During the closed winter period access can be gained by contacting the curator)
At the bottom of this page are two additional pdf files containing:
1. The whole Plan and reference Documents.
2. The Executive Summary, policy list and Landscape Capacity Maps.
1. The file downloadable below contains all the above documents in a single pdf version.
2. The file below contains only a copy of the Executive Summary, the list of policies (which will be used in formulating responses to planning applications) and the Landscape Capacity maps showing the sensitivity to new building in different parts of the Plan area.