Uffington and Baulking Neighbourhood Plan

The final 'Made' version of the Plan and supporting reference documents are listed and downloadable from the links below. Minor changes to correct typographical and presentational issues were made to the Referendum Version to create this final 'Made Version'. Paper copies of all the Plan documents below, including the appendices to Ref Doc F (Consultation Statement), can be viewed in hard copy in the museum. (During the closed winter period access can be gained by contacting the curator)


At the bottom of this page are two additional pdf files containing:


1.  The whole Plan and reference Documents.

2.  The Executive Summary, policy list and Landscape Capacity Maps.

Final, made, version of the Plan
With a revised front cover and minor typographical corrections from Referendum Version
Uffington and Baulking NP V42 - Final Ve[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [5.3 MB]
Reference Document A
Community Led Plan (2015)
Ref_Doc_A_Uffington_W_B CLP final Dec15.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
Reference Document B
Characterisation Study - gives details of the characteristics of the Plan area
Adobe Acrobat document [4.8 MB]
Reference Document C
Housing Needs Assessment - calculates the proportion of Vale housing that is needed in the Plan area. The figures in this assessment are from when the study was carried out and will reduce over time as houses are approved and built.
Ref_Doc_C_20170522 HNA_Final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Reference Document D
Landscape Capacity Study - identifies the impact of building in the various areas of the plan. This is used in conjunction with other factors to determine whether planning permission might be given
Adobe Acrobat document [12.1 MB]
Reference Document E
The Houses of the Village of Uffington - describes the type and building materials of the buildings of Uffington (1999)
Ref_Doc_E_The Houses of the Village of U[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [5.5 MB]
Reference Document E
The Consultation Statement - describes the various consultations that took place during the evolution of the Plan
Ref_Doc_F_Consultation Statement - Submi[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [681.6 KB]
Reference Document E (Appendices)
The Consultation Statement appendices - this is a zip file containing containing all the feedback responses from individuals and other bodies received in response to consultation events and drafts of the Plan.
Compressed archive in ZIP format [2.8 MB]
Reference Document G
Ref_Doc_G_Equalities Impact Statement - [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [471.5 KB]
Reference Document H
Describes the Local Green Spaces identified in the Plan
Ref_Doc_H_LGS Evidence - Submission.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
Reference Document J
The Environmental Screening Assessment is a mandatory document that identifies the impact on the environment of sites identified in the Plan. No sites were identified so no assessment was necessary.
Ref_Doc_J_23-01-2018 Uffington and Baulk[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Reference Document K
Baulking Only Housing Policy - this document describes and justifies why the housing policy for Baulking (H3) is different from that of Uffington
Ref_Doc_K_Baulking Only Housing Policy N[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [698.5 KB]
Reference Document L
Historic Flooding - a record, including photographs of actual flooding, in the Plan area. This record is maintained and updated by Uffington Parish council to include future flooding events
Ref_Doc_L_Historic Flooding - Submission[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.5 MB]

1.  The file downloadable below contains all the above documents in a single pdf version.

Uffington and Baulking Neighbourhood Plan
The Plan and all reference documents (as listed above) in a single pdf file.
UBNP_Final_All _files.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [44.5 MB]

2.  The file below contains only a copy of the Executive Summary, the list of policies (which will be used in formulating responses to planning applications) and the Landscape Capacity maps showing the sensitivity to new building in different parts of the Plan area.

Uffington and Baulking Neighbourhood Plan Executive Summary
The Plan, policy summary and landscape capacity maps in a single pdf file.
NP_Executive Summary_and_LCS_Maps.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [839.5 KB]

Site Updated:

13th February 2025

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