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  • John Payne (Friday, June 11 21 06:35 pm BST)

    Could you advise me if the field to the north/ east of JacksonFields has planning permission for more properties?

  • Lucille Glenn (Friday, April 17 20 10:59 am BST)

    Does anyone with a council home want to swap to a two bedroom maisonette in Old Steet London.

    You may be ready for a city life, whilst I am ready to return to the country.

  • Anna Hoare (Wednesday, October 26 16 09:51 am BST)

    Have you heard of the campaign to Protect Wicklesham Quarry from Development? Local people in the western Vale and beyond have been opposing plans to turn Wicklesham into an industrial warehousing site for over two years. The quarry is a SSSI for earth sciences, and one of Britain’s “richest palaeontological sites”. It is also a Conservation Target Area and Priority Habitat for rare plants and European Protected Species. It has planning conditions for restoration to agriculture.
    Having been rejected for inclusion as an industrial site in the Local Plan since 2008, Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan now seeks to safeguard the site for B2/B8 use.
    If you wish to know more, read the online petition at Change.Org: I hope you will give it your support! Below the petition main text are many updates which tell the story of the campaign.
    There is now also a CrowdJustice Appeal to seek support for a Judicial Review of the Vale of White Horse District Council’s decision to adopt Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan, subject to referendum. You can read it at:
    This case has many implications for local communities facing proposals for quarrying, for the protection of our exceptionally rare, nationally designated site, and for the role of the Biodiversity Action Plan in local planning decisions. Please contact me at with any questions or comments.
    Many thanks!
    Anna Hoare

  • Sandra Marie Lewis (Thursday, June 02 16 08:29 pm BST)

    Literary connections: John Betjeman and Thomas Hughes. You write that 'several of Hughes' books are based on local people and places'. May I suggest a new book based on local people and their
    ancestral places? Just Where You Stand features the Argyle family in the town of Abingdon before they emigrate to Canada in 1913. Online, scroll down to Just Where You Stand to click on Continue so
    that you can read Chapter One.

  • Ory Richard Mattingly (Thursday, February 25 16 04:34 pm GMT)

    Dear he/she,Thank you for your web
    site about Uffington. My ancestors
    I believe went to your church there and
    are possible listed in your records.
    I live in OHIO,USA
    I would love to hear from anyone
    with the same last name as mine.
    My full name is:Ory Richard Mattingly.
    I think they might have spelled it
    Mattingly. ?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,and God bless.

Site Updated:

13th February 2025

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