Planning Applications

On this page you will find links to information on Planning Applications received by the Parish Council. The 2 buttons below let you view the Vale applications yet to be determined (CURRENT) and those which have been determined (DECIDED) since January 2020. This data is live from the Vale database and may take a minute or so to load. If you require other details or from a different time period, please use the Vale's Planning Application Advanced search.

Please note that both these links go the the Vale site which is not part of the site.


In considering applications the Vale normally considers only the MATERIAL considerations. A list of current material and non-material considerations is attached below.

Vale material and no-material considerations
Adobe Acrobat document [81.9 KB]

The attachment below specifies the number of parking space properties, new and existing when changed, must have. This is a material consideration.

Parking standards for New and existing builds
From the Vale: Please be advised the Oxfordshire County Council Parking standards are used to inform and assess proposals for householder development (extensions and other developments on existing properties) where parking is a material consideration.
2022 Parking Standards.PDF
PDF File [634.3 KB]

Vale Planning Updates

The latest (June 2021) planning update from the Head of Planning is here. This contains several interesting topics including developments on how planning management is changing along with permitted development changes, enforcement and statistics for appeals.


The latest Design Guide (June 2022) is here. This gives details of what planning officers will be looking for in the proposed buildings and which should be given in the Design and Access Statement.


The Vale updated its enforcement process and policy, which is used to enforce planning rules, in December 2021. The process is described in the document below.

VOWH Planning Enforcement Statement
Describes the process for enforcing planning decisions and the criteria for deciding on whether a site visit is necessary.
Appendix 1 - Planning Enforcement Statem[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [822.2 KB]

Site Updated:

4th November 2024

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