Community Services

Bulk Heating Oil

Discounted purchase



This scheme is currently SUSPENDED due to oil price volatility. It is hoped to re-start it when/if oil prices stabilise. In teh meantime you can order on an individual basis from Affinity.

A scheme promoted by Community First Oxfordshire. This is an oil buying syndicate which brings communities throughout Oxfordshire together to make the most of joint buying power. Much more information is available on the Community First website.


Citizens Advice Bureaux (Oxfordshire)





The Citizens Advice service aims: -

  • To provide the advice people need for the problems they face
  • To improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives

The service provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. It values diversity, promotes equality and challenges discrimination.

The national website is here. Local branches can be found by clicking the heading link on the left.


Uffington Village Hall

Hall Hire



Booking: The following link will take you to the booking system:

THMH - Bookings


Comprises small and large function rooms that can be hired separately or together. Has a large modern fully equipped kitchen and a purpose built stage extension. Much more information is available on the website


Uffington Farmers' Market

Chris Higgs

07884 167800


Uffington Farmers Market is a non-profit community market running on occasional Sundays in the hall and car park of

the Thomas Hughes Memorial Hall, Broad Street, Uffington. SN7 7SB. See local notice boards for details.

UBW Community Minibus

Minibus Hire

John Hatcher
E-mail address:

Membership of the UBW Minibus Association is open to individuals and non-profit groups in the area. We run regular Wednesday and Friday journeys to Wantage.

The bus is also available for hire to members and member groups. The services of a driver can sometimes be arranged.

Wantage Independent Advice Centre




Phone: 01235 765348

Wantage based help and advice centre which offers, amongst other things, a volunteer driver schene, a good neighbour scheme and provides advice. Some of these services are available to Uffington residents.  For more details see the poster, or contact them via phone or email.


OCC Libraries

Local Library


Click here to renew library books electronically.

Faringdon Library

Local Library

Gloucester Street

01367 240311

Click here to renew library books electronically.


Uffington C.E. Primary School

Primary School

Broad Street, Uffington.

Head: Mrs Lisa Bradbury

Tel/fax 01367 820296

or email



White Horse Pre-School


(Uffington Partnership Foundation Stage Unit)

Broad Street, Uffington.

tel/fax: 01367 820296

or email

A lovely rural setting for children aged 2 1/2-5 years in a purpose built facility including an all-weather outdoor play area. Modern purpose-built unit attached to

Uffington Primary School. Flexible sessions during term time, Great outdoor play area, Funding is available depending of age, Happy caring atmosphere.

Longcot and Fernham CE Primary School

Primary School

The Green, Kings Lane
Longcot, Faringdon
Oxfordshire SN7 7SY

Head Teacher: Claire Mellor

01793 782381

or email

A village primary school for 4 to 11 year olds in South West Oxfordshire. We offer a creative, fun and dynamic curriculum that recognises and values each child as a unique individual.

Shellingford CE (A) Primary School

Primary School

Church Street



Head Teacher Mrs. Judith Terrell

01367 710301

The school is situated in the south west corner of Oxfordshire in the Vale of White Horse, in the village of Shellingford. A beautiful, rural primary school providing excellent education for children between the ages of four and eleven.

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