Election Information

Notice of Election
This document details the election of Parish Councillors in the Vale of White Horse District.
Seven Councillors are to be elected for Uffington.
The document also provides information on nominations and on the election process.
NoE - Vale Parishes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [72.1 KB]

At the 2023 election 5 councillors applied and were automatically elected as there were fewer than the maximum allowed. Subsequently 2 additional councillors were co-opted bring the total up the the maximum of 7. Names of the councillors are on the Home Page. 

The Next Parish Council election will held in 2027. There will be seven available places on the Parish Council. The process is as follows:

  • All current councillors resign.
  • Applications for councillors (including those from resigning councillors who wish to be candidates at the following election) are submitted to the Vale.
  • If there are more candidates than positions on the council an election is held and the seven receiving the highest number of votes are elected.
  • In the event that there are the same number or fewer candidates than positions, those candidates are appointed without an election being held.
  • Any remaining vacancies can be filled by volunteers who can be ‘co-opted’ by the council subject to them being agreed by a majority existing councillors.


If you would like to become a councillor, please keep an eye open for details of dates and when and where to submit your registration details. If you would like to know more about being a councillor, please feel free to discuss this with any of the current councillors or the Clerk or come along to any Council meeting.

Example documents from 2023 Election

Nomination pack including Application Form
This pack contains complete instructions on how to fill in the form and a blank form to complete for registration
Microsoft Word document [220.0 KB]
Sample Completed Form
Adobe Acrobat document [3.1 MB]

The briefing material for candidates (below) looks a rather bureaucratic document but there is a large number of rules and restrictions around formal elections. It is worth a skim at least if you are thinking of putting yourself forward as you wouldn't want to become disqualified due to an administrative mistake.

Briefing details for candidates
Briefing for candidates and agents 2023 [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [402.6 KB]

Site Updated:

26th July 2024

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