The Parish Coucil maintians a record of hostoric flooding in teh parish. This record comprises a map and photographic record of areas prone to flooding. This information complements with actual data the DEFRA Flooding map which is largely theoretical based on land and watercourse levels. This information is particularly useful when considering planning applications which are in the proximity of areas prone to flooding.
Residents are encouraged to submit photographs for inclusion, especially for areas and dates that have not yet been adequately recorded.
Following the very wet period Sep 2023 - March 2024, the Council produced a report identifying the main causes of flooding (apart from the high level of rainfall!) and listing the actions required and by whom in order to minimise the risk of futuie flooding or roads and properties. The report can be downloaded from the link below. Also available for download is the OCC guide for riparian (properties bordering a watercourse) landowners. Government guidance is here.
A rolling record of historic flooding is maintained by the Council - you can download the atest version below. If you have photographs which you feel would be useful in this record, please forward then to the Parish Clerk for consideration.
The OCC website also has more information and advice for homeowners, businesses, landowners and the community on flood prevention and recovery, and what to do in an emergency. This document provides a lot of useful advice to homeowners and communities.
To report flooding issues directly to Thames Water please follow the following link;
You can sign up to the Flood Alerts in your area via the Environment Agency Website.
Report flooding – Environment Agency incident hotline 0800 80 70 60
Sewer Flooding or burst water main – Thames Water 0800 316 9800