Lists and registers

Uffington Parish Council Risk Register February 2023
Risk assessment rev February 2023 adopt[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [404.0 KB]
Uffington Parish Council Asset list
List of buildings, land and other assets owned by the Parish Council
Asset Register for website.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [9.5 KB]

The Parish Council owns 7 parcels of land which are registered with the Land Registry:


  1. 'Three small areas (1a, 1b, 1c) in Craven Common' (including the Mound) under Title ON67031
  2. 'Tom Brown’s School Museum' (actually, the Old School Room) under title ON336460
  3. ‘Land adjoining TBSM’ under title ON341473
  4. ‘Land on the east side of High Street, Uffington’ (actually, the Jubilee Field) under title BK104684
  5. ‘Land lying to the west of Broad Street, Uffington (actually, part of the burial ground) under title ON63381, and also:
  6. ‘Land on the west side of Uffington C of E Primary School, Broad Street, Uffington, (part of the burial ground) under title ON340876
  7. ‘Land lying to the east of Fernham Road, Uffington’ (actually the allotments) under title ON302472

The are shown on the map below

Site Updated:

13th February 2025

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